Tuesday 24 February 2015

At a glance...

Week of February 23rd - 27th, 2015 

French Language Arts:
-We have started to study a classic french Canadian children's book
-We are targeting reading, writing and cultural appreciation outcomes
-We reviewed the narrative structure on Monday and the students have been asked to write a 1/2 page story using that structure (due Friday)

English Language Arts:
-students should finish reading Ch. 6 in "I am David"
-comprehension questions to be completed for tomorrow
-we do a weekly writing assignment following the chapter that we all read together as a class
**We are all really enjoying this novel!

-we are continuing to study, "The Earth's Crust"
-we learned about our final project for this unit today
-students and I are very excited about this unit!

-gr 8's: ratios and rates
-gr. 7's: percentages and decimals
-unit test next week

Monday 2 February 2015

Mr Gauvin has sent this to our class and I have handed out a letter to each student in my class. In case the letter was misplaced on it's journey home, I have copied the information below:

Dear Parents:

As your child approaches high school there is a big decision to be made in regards to which school to attend and whether to continue in the French Immersion program. As you are likely aware, Central Collegiate houses Prairie South’s high school French Immersion program within the city of Moose Jaw.  It is a program we are proud to have and would like to see it continue to flourish. Therefore, we would like to invite you to a French Immersion evening we will be hosting on Thursday February 5 from 7-8 PM in our school library. There will be a short presentation on the merits of the program and how it looks at the high school level, including words from current students and parents followed by a tour of the building.  Of course such an event would require some French pastries and coffee, which will be provided.  We hope many of you are able to attend. If you are unable and would like to get information at a different time please feel free to call the school and we will gladly set something up for you.


Stéphane Gauvin

Sunday 1 February 2015

Class DOJO!

Grade 7 & 8 Parents & Students:
This year, I am trying a new classroom management tool called ClassDojo. ClassDojo is a web based program which allows teachers to track students’ behaviors (positive AND negative) easily and efficiently. The program is based on points, and students can be given positive points for things like helping others, random acts of kindness and going above and beyond in class and around Palliser Heights School...On the other hand, points can be taken away if students are inappropriate language, talking out of turn, unprepared, disrespectful, etc. My goal is to fully implement the program right away, but please bear with me as I am learning as I go!

After students have been added to the system, there is a student access code I will give to each student so that they can log on to the website. On the site, they are able to see how many points they have, which positive behaviors were noted, and which negative behaviors they need to work on. Every student will start at 50 points at the the beginning of every month. Like previously mentioned, students may earn points for helping others, random acts of kindness and going above and beyond in class and around Palliser Heights School. At the end of every month, we will plan, as a class, a reward for staying above 40 points. (This should NOT be very hard to achieve) Those that have dipped down below 40 points, may be asked to complete outstanding assignments, homework, etc. in a different classroom during the reward.

One of the greatest features of ClassDojo is that it allows us to send parents a “behavior and skills report” every Friday by e-mail.  All you need to do is use the parent access code to get signed up. My hope is that this will help you better understand the progress of your student’s behavior on a week-to-week basis. I will provide each student with a student and parent code tomorrow.

Please contact me if you have any questions!

                                                          ~Mme Rogers

At a glance...

Week of February 2nd - 6th, 2015 

This week is French as a Second Language Week! The theme for this week is "How does French come alive in your school?" « Comment fais-tu vivre le français dans ton école? »

French Language Arts:
-first draft of the French short story is due Monday February 2nd-each student will meet with my this week to go through to corrections of their story-correct, revised and typed story is due Monday February 9th
**in addition to our regular Daily 3, we will be celebrating "French as a Second Language" week through various school-wide activities as well as classroom activities. Please encourage your child to read at least 15 minutes in French EVERY night.

English Language Arts:
-students should finish reading Ch. 5 in "I am David"
-we do a weekly writing assignment following the chapter that we all read together as a class
**We are all really enjoying this novel!

-we are starting a new unit this week, "The Earth's Crust"
-we will start on Thursday, by going through the outcomes and introducing the topics

Social Studies:
-we are wrapping up a mini-unit of geography with a quiz on Monday morning

-gr 8's: ratios and rates
-gr. 7's: percentages and decimals